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What Does A Kiss On The Lips MeanWhat Does A Kiss On The Lips Mean

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What Does A Kiss On The Lips Mean

A kiss on the lips is the most eternal symbol of love. Whether it is in the glamour of Hollywood movies or the best of romantic novels, everybody waits for that moment when the leading man and his lady give each other a passionate smooch. Kissing is the most common of sexual acts and research shows that about 85% of US adolescents of 15 years of age and above have experienced it.

Mistinguett (Jeanne Bourgeois), Theatre Arts, December 1955, says "A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point. That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know." Although every time he gives you a kiss on your lips, he means to show his love for you. There may also be many unspoken and additional feelings which you need to understand. For example when a groom kisses his bride on her lips after taking the wedding wows, he usually means "I love you and promise to take care and be with you forever". Again when your date gives you a kiss on your lips for the first time, it means that he is ready to take the relationship to a higher level than that of a mere acquaintance or friend. At the same time, if he kisses you passionately while dropping you off at your front door probably means that he is ready to get more intimate. A goodbye kiss on your lips signifies his affection for you and means a promise to meet again, soon. When your partner kisses you on your lips in the public or in front of friends and family, he means to show the solidarity in your relationship.

Therefore, whatever a kiss on lips means additionally, the basic implication is that of love and commitment. A kiss on the lips is truly the most beautiful token of love that any person can experience.

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What Does A Kiss On The Lips Mean

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